Sorry for the Cold Pizza at JUG Karlsruhe ;-)

I like to thank JUG Karlsruhe for the fun I had last wednesday giving my lecture on JAX-RS. The audience was extremely interested, so it was fun to answer all the questions on REST, HTTP and particularly JAX-RS. I am sorry that the pizza got cold, but if someone insists to hear more of my chitchat, I always feel obliged to publish more of it. 😉 If your JUG wants me to give the same lecture at your site, feel free to contact me.

About Markus Karg

Java Guru with +30 years of experience in professional software development. I travelled the whole world of IT, starting from Sinclair's great ZX Spectrum 48K, Commodore's 4040, over S/370, PCs since legendary XT, CP/M, VM/ESA, DOS, Windows (remember 3.1?), OS/2 WARP, Linux to Android and iOS... and still coding is my passion, and Java is my favourite drug!
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