Contributed Binary Transmission for setObject(int, Object, int, int)

Cool, my latest contribution to PGJDBC on GitHub was accepted today, so next release will provide better performance for setObject(int, Object, int) and setObject(int, Object, int, int) methods, as the values are now transferred as binary values, and not as String literals anymore! Contributing to such an agile project is really fun! 🙂

About Markus Karg

Java Guru with +30 years of experience in professional software development. I travelled the whole world of IT, starting from Sinclair's great ZX Spectrum 48K, Commodore's 4040, over S/370, PCs since legendary XT, CP/M, VM/ESA, DOS, Windows (remember 3.1?), OS/2 WARP, Linux to Android and iOS... and still coding is my passion, and Java is my favourite drug!
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